Game-Aware Analytics
Fine-tune your diagram with ACTUAL data from your gameplays. Engage the power of Big Data to perfect the ultimate game design.
This feature is under heavy development and is considered unstable.
Game-Aware Analytics allows you to record any Game or Game Object State Changes and Events.
Sets of data may be saved during various key-points. You will also be able to import Analytics data from other providers.
Game-Aware Analytics provides game designers a new way of understanding valuable gameplay data. We have devised a way to supercharge analytics data by mapping it onto Machinations diagrams, so you can see exactly how your changes impact the game.
You can use this throughout your game's lifecycle.
During Prototyping & Development
Collect the data from internal/beta play testing, analyse it and make the initial tweaks based on it
Test different design models and see how they fare against each other
Balance your game based on real player behaviour data
This is based on our Machinations Inference Protocol, which allows you to debug and fine-tune a diagram by employing Machinations Game Analytics. You can connect Diagram elements to formulas defined in UP. The resulting values can be synch’ed back to the Diagram. This process can signal if there are unexpected differences between the diagram and the game.
Last updated