Run Modes

Understanding Running Modes and Time

To deal with stochastics, Machinations has 4 Run modes. You can access them in the Run Bar, at the bottom of the canvas.

Animated Runs

Simulates player & systems interaction in real-time. Only Run mode that supports Interactive Nodes and real-time changes within the diagram.


You can adjust the diagram execution speed. The Default value is 1 second/Step. Decreasing that value "speeds up" time; increasing it "slows down" time.

Steps Limit

The maximum number of steps that a Run should do before stopping, regardless of the execution values. This also applies to diagram execution in Quick and Multiple Run.

Run diagram one step at a time. This is an easy way to debug your diagram as you build it, and identify where it breaks.

Quick Runs

Computes (server-side) and returns the complete scenario of a single execution instantly.

Plays out (server-side) numerous Quick Runs and plots the result of hundreds or thousands of plays, all overlaid in the Chart, which becomes a heat-map of values/time.

You can set the Number of Runs the Multiple Run should execute.

📖 For a more in-depth explanation of this method of simulation, check out 🔗 The Monte Carlo Method.

Multiple Runs is one of the most powerful features in Machinations.

By experimenting with Multiple Run iterations and adjusting diagram parameters between Multiple Runs, you can balance the entire system towards your ideal scenario.

Run History

Select one of the executions you performed, then navigate it by hovering your mouse over the Chart and get the values of the plotted Nodes at each Step of the execution.

Last updated